Safe Structures

Transforming communities by creating safe structures.

On September 1, 2019, Hurricane Dorian made landfall in Central and North Abaco, pushing a tidal surge of a minimum of 25 feet in height. Eye witness accounts reported a wall of water bore down onto the townships of Marsh Harbour, Dundas Town, and Murphy Town.

Three consecutive waves ravaged the land, with each one receding so that the harbor was devoid of the sea. The tidal waves were unrelenting, taking homes and structures as far inland as a half mile. Winds were recorded locally in gusts of 280 miles per hour. Many tornadoes touched down all over Central Abaco. The forward motion of Dorian was minimal, as it ground over the land for 52 hours, with sustained winds over 180 miles per hour for that extended time period.

The aftermath resembled a warzone, with few houses, churches, businesses, and buildings remaining. Then, in March 2020, the rebuilding efforts ground to a halt as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Many structures were simply left untouched for years, with the resilient Abaconians carrying the burden of rebuilding on their own. 


About 90% of the infrastructure in Marsh Harbour was damaged.

Power grid serving the Abacos was completely destroyed.

Over 2,500 small-to-medium-sized businesses were affected.

What We Do

Rebuilding infrastructure in the Abacos is a critically important issue. Many communities do not have the resources or supplies to rebuild completely on their own, whether it be community centers, churches, businesses, or family homes. By walking alongside local organizations and families, we remake that which was broken, transforming the community in tangible ways. Providing cleaner living conditions can reduce illness by up to 90%. It also provides hope in what seems like a hopeless situation for many, as they have to rebuild their lives from scratch. This psychological relief restores dignity to a community. 

Murphy Town Community Center & Hurricane Shelter

The Murphy Town Community Center was completely destroyed during Hurricane Dorian and stood untouched and in disarray for over three years. It served as a reminder of all that was lost to the people of Murphy Town. With the help of other NGOs such as Missionary Flights International and Sol Relief, we have completely rebuilt the Murphy Town Community Center not only to its original state but improving the whole structure. It was rebuilt as a dual-purpose building – a community center and hurricane shelter. Built to withstand hurricane winds, it also has redundant water and power sources, community showers, and a commercial kitchen for food preparation. Within the grounds are a large room for training and worship, a computer lab, a basketball court, and an office space.

A mother and daughter pose for a picture

Camp Abaco Restoration

Camp Abaco has been owned and operated by the Assemblies of God – Bahamas and Turks & Caicos (AG) for over 50 years. Each summer, it welcomes over 250 youths from the Caribbean for a summer camp. Many Hands for Abaco entered into an agreement with the AG to help restore this facility and operate it for the decades to come. Power has always been an issue at the camp, as it is miles off the power grid and has been serviced through expensive generators. A new solar power project was installed in June 2023, serving the entire campus. Bungalows have been remodeled for long-term staff. New bunk beds have been built to replace termite-infested bunks. Buildings have been painted. We will continue to improve this camp to serve the Kingdom for God’s glory.

Infrastructure Assistance

Almost every building in Central Abaco was damaged during Hurricane Dorian, with many small restoration projects. Partnering with local churches, organizations, and families, we’ve painted homes, churches, preschools, and primary schools. We’ve done numerous landscaping and beautification projects for homeowners who suffer from PTSD. We’ve roofed, rebuilt decks, and done demo work for the rebuilding effort. Each time we do this, we sit with the project owners and hear their stories to learn more about the challenges they have faced, as it goes deeper than the boards and nails to help make the community whole again. 

Our Impact

Built a hurricane shelter

Installed and maintain a major solar power project

Completed small-scale projects for homeowners, churches, and schools

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